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Akọwara Platform anyị


A "community" is more than just 'brick-n-mortar' buildings.

     A community is a collection of people who've chosen to live in a single place and who have a vested interest in the collective success of one an other. But a community cannot flourish unless it supports the overall health of its residents. 

     Unlike various other Virtual Healthcare Services (MD Live, Amwell, Teledocs, etc.) WL WELL VHS's approach is different. We embed with communities: city, and municipal governments who understand that there is a connection between the health of the community (success) and the health of the community (residents). To do this, we have modified our platform so that it connects the local healthcare community. This benefits all stakeholders. Local residents are then able to enjoy a friendlier, more familiar healthcare option that is quick, efficient, and much more equally accessible.

   WL WELL VHS "the Platform" provides 3 community enhancing functions:

  • Provide Virtual Urgent and Specialist Healthcare from the convenience of your smartphone

  • Provide Mental Health Emergency Response Services (Emergency Services Beacon - ESB))

  • Provide 988 Mental Health Emergency Response and Dispatch System (Complementary to ESB)

   The integration of these 3 functions we call the Connected Care Cooperative.

         The Connected Care Cooperative is a municipality supported relationship to connect all participating local medical services providers under a common mobile platform. Therefore, all local residents have access to (i) virtual urgent care; (ii) mental healthcare; or (iii) in some cases, specialist care before the need to visit a local ER or Urgent Care facility. Because the real issue is "ACCESS." And because it is tied to a community or municipality, residents are more likely to use it. Local communities are happier and healthier.


The Emergency Services Beacon (ESB) and American School Shootings

     In the United States, school shootings are an embarrassing symptom of our violent culture. The only thing worse is how American law enforcement responds to active shooter events in our schools.

During a recent test of our ESB system, we discovered that the locator function for those needing mental health emergency response services could be used by school children in an active shooter event. This is important because a major problem law enforcement seems to have is knowing where exactly children hiding in place are located.

     In cooperation with local school districts, the ESB system can be a useful tool in saving lives; and if deployed in Uvalde or Santa Fe, Texas, many school children's lives could have been saved. For this, we have currently lowered the registration age to 13 to allow school districts to use a modified version of our 988 dispatch system for mental health related services for students. It is this system that allows law enforcement retrieve students for faster evacuation. We are offering this system for free to partnering school districts.

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Họrọ ndị na-enye nlekọta ngwa ngwa

Họrọ ndị na-enye ndị ọkachamara

Ọkwa nhọpụta

Ọkwa nhọpụta

Họrọ n'etiti Bekee, Spanish na Haitian Creole

Nbanye/ndebanye aha onye ọrịa

Nbanye / ndebanye aha onye na-eweta

"Tụgharịa" n'elu ngwaọrụ

Mgbama ọkụ ọrụ mberede (ESB) maka enyemaka mberede ahụike uche na-abụghị nke ndị uwe ojii.

ESP bọtịnụ nbanye

*Apụl  iPhone na Samsung okpokolo agba bụ maka  ihe atụ naanị.

Nzọụkwụ 1.

Nwee apụl  iPhone/iPad ma ọ bụ gam akporo ekwentị ma ọ bụ mbadamba

Nzọụkwụ 2.

Were ngwaọrụ gị gaa na Apple App Store ma ọ bụ Google Play Store, na  tinye: "WL WELL VHS" na ngalaba ọchụchọ ngwa ma ọ bụ pịa Ebe a . Budata ya.

Nzọụkwụ 3.

Mgbe ịmechara nhọrọ asụsụ gị na  N'elu, họrọ bọtịnụ onye ọrụ kwesịrị ekwesị (onye ọrịa / dọkịta) wee malite  ndebanye aha gị. Ị ga-ezute ọkwa nchekwa mbụ gị n'oge  tupu ndebanye aha.

Nzọụkwụ 4.

Ndị ọrụ ọrịa , mgbe ndebanye aha, nwere ike họrọ onye na-eweta kwekọrọ na steeti ebe ha "dị ugbu a." Ndị na- enye aha ga-echere nkwenye na  mmezu nke onboarding.

Nzọụkwụ 5.

Ndị ọrụ nrịanrịa nwere ike ịhọrọ n'ime ndepụta ndị dọkịta na-ahụ maka ngwa ngwa yana ndị nọọsụ na-eme agadi na-arụ ọrụ (ndị nọọsụ nọọsụ) maka ndị ọbịa niile mkpa nlekọta ngwa ngwa na-enweghị Mberede ma ọ bụ onye ndụmọdụ ahụike uche nwere ikike maka nnọkọ ọgwụgwọ onwe.

Uru nke iji WL WELL VHS

  • Hụ dọkịta site na nchekwa nke ụlọ gị,

  • Hụrụ ngwa ngwa,

  • HIPAA kwadoro,

  • Ọnụ sitere na $69 (Nleta nlekọta ngwa ngwa n'ime mmadụ n'etiti $150-$300),

  • Nweta ndenye ọgwụ ngwa ngwa,

  • Ọ BỤGHỊ otu ma ọ bụ mkpuchi achọrọ!

    • Nkeji Nleta Telehealth nlekọta ngwa ngwa nwere mkpuchi dị n'etiti $75-$99.(Kariri WL WELL VHS)

*WL MMA VHS bụ enyi na enyi. Ọbụlagodi onye nwere ọgụgụ isi na teknụzụ nwere ike ịnyagharịa n'ụzọ ha ilekọta n'ihe na-erughị nkeji 3. Ụmụaka toro eto na-echegbu onwe ha maka nne na nna ha agaghị enwe nchegbu gbasara ndị nne na nna ha na-eji WL WELL VHS maka mkpa nlekọta ngwa ngwa Virtual ngwa ngwa. 

Budata n'efu

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